Torrevieja tapas route : it is fun and it is cheap !
Do you want to learn more about the restaurants and the bars in Torrevieja city Centre ?
It’s an inexpensive way to discovering some of the nice bars and restaurants of Torrevieja.
This successful “Torrevieja tapas route” starts this year from Thursday 21 November to Sunday the 24th November. And from Thursday 28th to Sunday the 1 of December 2013.
The time to enjoy those delicious tapas is from 12.00 till 16.30 in the afternoon. And then from 19.30 till 23.00 in the evening.
Price for a excellent Tapa and a the drink is 2 € .
For the drinks you can choose between a small beer, a water, soda drink or a glass wine.
It’s fun because it’s a chance to discover unknown restaurants and bars.
You can taste the Tapa on the route of “Torrevieja Ruta de las tapa 2013″ and if it pleases you. You can look at the menu and return another day for a diner .
There were nearly 80 participating bars/ restaurants at latest ” Torrevieja Ruta de las tapa 2013″.
Participating Restaurants in Torrevieja tapas route.
A complete list of all establishment and a map of their location you can find on the brochure available in the tourist information or on this List of the restaurants.
All participants of the Torrevieja Ruta de las tapa can vote for their favourite Tapa. You can win a great number of prices. Your vote counts, when your card is stamped in at least 10 establishments.
The prices or awards are in two categories,and the winner is decided by a professional jury and a public jury.
The awards are: one for the best traditional Tapa and an award for the most innovative Tapa.
For example last year there were Tapa’s called ” Bombom de jamon serrano a las finas hierbas” or “Ambar de gamba roja de los Zamoranos” or “Tapa Blanco de Torrevieja con Tagliatelle fresco y habitas ” .
Don’t you want to try this amazing gastronomical delights?
For the establishments it ‘s a honour to win the award .
So get tasty !