First, Cartagena is a beautiful city in the region of the Murcia and has a marvelous Roman Theater .
Read more about the city itself on our webpage Cartagena.
Roman theater of Cartagena
Nearby the tourist information, in the middle of the city, you can find the Roman museum Casa Fortuna en the entrance of the Roman Theater.
Good to known is that this theater is one of the most important in Spain.
In the past, the Roman Theater was discovered by chance.
Since 1987 the theater has been restored and is now a jewel .
It is well worth a visit.
In fact, Cartagena is very proud of its heritage. In particular, the theater is a part of the initiative, that celebrate the Cultural Heritage across the all of Europe. So that more people discover the beauty of the past.
Nearby the theater is the “Casa Fortuna“, it is a museum. As a result, that the museum shows you how the daily life was of the Romans family in the first century AD.
As already said, the visit of the Roman theater is very spectacular.

Where to start the visit ?
From the nearby hill you can see the theater in all his beauty.
If you want , you can do the walk in the park of the hill and do the climb to the medieval castle .
But if you want you can also start your visit with a trip in the panoramic elevator. It is 2 € to take you up to the hill with the elevator.
The hill is the highest point of the Cartagena. The medieval castle and the hill dominates the bay of Cartagena. A beautiful panorama is your reward.
In the museum of the castle, you can learn more about the influence of the several cultures . To sum up : the Jewisch culture, the Christian culture and the Muslim culture.
From the hill, you can do the walk to the nearby church or to the Roman theater.
Nearby the entrance of the theater, there is a tapa bar with excellent food and view over the theater and the hill.
If you want a guide, there are English tours on alternate sundays. More information about the exact moments at the tourist office. Furthermore, the Englisch tour takes about two hours . Of course it begins with a visit to the theater and its museum.
So, at the museum you can learn about the live in Roman Times.
About the thermal springs, the Roman forum, the luxurios banquets ….
As a resiult that you can feel how it was to live in a Spanisch city of the Roman Empire.