NIE number .
The most important, for every one in Spain who want to work or buy something you need a NIE or nie number.
Nie means Numero de Identification de Extranjero.
In fact , it is a Spanish tax identification system.
Indeed, the Spanish authorities assign to any foreigner a number.
As, the number is unique and personal. After all, it is used for tracking every foreigner. For instance, his financial, professional and official activities.
As a result, every resident and non resident foreigners do need to have it. Even if they are a EU citizen or from outside the EU .

Who needs an NIE Number ?
In brief, all those who think to buy.
Or who have already purchased a real estate or other assets.
For example, a vehicle or boat = in Spain will need a Foreigner Identification Number.
This number also known as an NIE number.
Again, you just have to have it as Foreigner living in Spain .
While, many people are not aware of the real importance of this number.
Despite, a passport or identity card is not sufficient .
After all, Spain uses the nie number as a code, which serves for people who don’t have a Spanish nationality.
Very important number
First, those foreigners who obtain a nie number permit them self to become a resident in Spain.
Next, the number also permits those, who are interested in or have a file open with regarding to an application for residency.
Then, the number is important for those who have a professional or economic interest in Spain.
At last, the number is a personal and exclusive number and cannot be changed.
Every foreigner who has business in Spain will need one for purposes of identification.
In sum, the number is required for the purchase of sale of any real estate, vehicle or boat.
Thus , the personal nie number will identify the foreigner.
As a result, it is mentioned in all official documents. As well as on the notes that are included on their passports or any official document.
When do you need a nie number ?
In summary :
to open a Spanish bank account for foreigners ,to buy a property,to insure that property, to sell that property, to arrange the credits for this property or to arrange the mortgage of the property.
Even to inherit and to pay the taxes,
Indeed also to study in Spain, to work in Spain and to be paid for this work.
In fact also to start a business and apply for a permit. And to apply for a driver’s licence for your business car.
Indeed also to register the social services and to arrange the social security.
The number must be granted automatic by the Generale Directorate of the Police.
The Foreigner number document itself, is on a A4 page. On the page the full name, the birthplace, the nationality, the number of the holder himself.
This document is stamped and signatures by the National Police.
In many cases the document is required, most times a copy is insufficient.
The NIE number is a part of living in Spain as foreigner.
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