English movies at Torrevieja

To start, it is some times difficult to find English movies at Torrevieja or Spanish movie with English subtitles.
Often, the movies are not in the original version.

English movies at Torrevieja
English movies at Torrevieja

VOS ? VO ?  English movies

When you are looking for the a film screened in English, look for “VO” or “VOS“.
The first, the V.O. means  Version Original.
The second, V.O.S. means Version Original Subtitled.
You find this abbreviation next to the programme listing.

But VO means Version Original. So it can be as well be an English, French or Italian Movie…
Of course,  you can find more about the movie and the original language on internet.

Most of the cinema’s show the movie in Spanish and give the Original Version trough headphones. The headphones are available at the front desk.
Mostly for free. If the cinema ask a deposit, it will be refund when you  leave the cinema.

 English movies at Torrevieja : The IMF Cinema

This cinema gives  films in VOS version and VO version . So it much easier to make a choice.

The entrance is about 8 euro.


Spring 2018 : Special season of ballet and opera.

Now, March 2018  the IMF cinema will  screen a season of live ballets and opera performances. The opera is from the Royal Opera House in London. This film season will continue until June.
The admission is for each performance 13 €uro.

On the programme :
First,  The winter’s tale. A modern ballet classic adoption of Shakespeare story about love and loss.
Then, Carmen is Bizet passionate opera of tragical love.
Also, Leon Bernstein Centenary Celebration Concert.
Furthermore, Macbeth the opera from Verdi .
In the month of May : Mannon. A powerful ballet about a tragic love.
Ending in June of course with the Swan Lake . One of the most famous ballets of the world.

English movies at Torrevieja
English movies at Torrevieja

Where to find the IMF cinema

The IMF cinema is just next to Habanares Shopping centre.

Parking is next door .

Adress : Poligno San Jose 03184 Torrevieja.