Costa Blanca more than beaches and sun alone is the context of this page on our website.
The whole region has a rich history in architecture and archaeology.

More specific in the region of Marina Alta and the Marina Baixa. There are monuments, museums , and sites to explore .
We are thinking as activity such as visiting exhibitions, listening to music, enjoying a film festival, exploring cave paintings.
This part of Spain is strongly linked to music.
For example think of the many festivals en fiesta with the local music bands.
But also fantastic performances in the different auditorium. Such as the Concerthall in Torrevieja.
There are several music bands contest, performance and festivals.
Costa Blanca more than beaches and sun : Film
There is also a film festival at the Costa Blanca.
Not so famous as the festival of Cannes.
But national is one of the most wanted date in Spain .
So the festival of de Cine de lAlfas de Pi is famous in Spain.
The most important professionals , actors and producers are on rendez-vous.
Some say that even Javier Bardem and Penolope Cruz have been here.
Costa Blanca more than beaches and sun : Cave paintings
Most people know the cave paintings in Lascaux France. But Spain got also his cave paintings. For example in “The Playa de Petrascos ” situated in Castell de Castells.

The cave paintings are an example of cave paintings in Europe.
The painting has been declared “Wordwide Heritage Site.”
The city of Relleu has also interesting cave paintings.
It is known as ” Abric Cabeco d Or.
So , the site is for the moment the place where the students of the university of archaeology get their information.
Costa Blanca = Medieval village
This unique site is located in Calpe. Read more about Calpe on our website.
The medieval village is situated at the foot of the Penon de Ifach.
It is a fortified village. In the past, the village was a look out for pirats.
In the present , you can get a good idea of the access streets , the houses, the storage rooms and the necropolis.

Costa Blanca : Roman villa’s
In the past, the romans where the rulers over the Iberian Island.
So, every where in Spain there are still witness of the Roman.
For example in Cartagena Roman Theater .
But in Calpe , you can visit the Queen Baths of Banos de la reina.
So visiting the place you can see how the Roman had their rest place in front of the Mediterranean Sea.
To conclude
Costa Blanca is the place to be for the beautiful beaches and the sun.
But also a lot more. It is up to you to discover on our website our in real life.